a fundraising online exhibit
Artist's Profiles

University of the Philippines Alumni Association

Reynaldo C. Lacerna
UPAA President and Alumni Regent
A good day to all!
On behalf of the UPAA Board of Directors, I extend my felicitous welcome and warm greetings to all of you, the guests and participants in this out-of-the-ordinary, off-the-beaten-path online art exhibit – Handog Lingkod.
In the gloom these days of the darkened panorama of our lives brought by, first, the Covid-19 pandemic and, now, the drenching passage of tropical depression Ambo, this imaginative display of creative talents by the members of the Filipino Portrait Artists Guild, Inc. (FilPAGI), comes like a bright, enlivening beam of sunshine piercing the dismal clouds of heavyheartedness.
Indeed, Handog Lingkod is a worthy and timely tribute to all our frontliners, medical and elsewise, who put their lives on the line so that others, even total strangers like us whom they may never meet, continue living safely, untouched by menacing harm.
I call on our UPAA and FilPAGI friends and art lovers to show their sincere support and appreciation for our frontliners by patronizing the admirable works of these gifted artists. They will, I believe, aside from becoming prized possessions, serve as vivid reminders of how we have stayed positive through negative times.
On the other hand, I pray we will all be negative when testing time comes.