a fundraising online exhibit
Artist's Profiles

President's Message

Romy Carlos
President, FilPAG
Greetings to all!
Events, and even non-events, have been so challenging for us all these past few months… and the prospects for the foreseeable future are not encouraging, either. That seems to be a given. The question that arises, for that matter, is, is there anything relevant that we can do?
We at FilPAG (Filipino Portrait Artists Guild) are artists and, as such, are fortified by innate reservoirs of emotional resilience and creative talents that enable us to cope with and withstand life’s ebbs and surges that come our way.
Now, more than ever, we are afforded the opportunity to do what we do best – portray our personal sensitivities through our individual creations and share them with kindred souls, afflicted or otherwise. For, indeed, we believe – art heals.
We embark on this exhibit, a seemingly familiar activity, through an unfamiliar platform – online, that is, cyberspace, wherein we hope not only to poignantly depict our present travails, but graphically display the indomitable fortitude of the human spirit as well.
Handog Lingkod is a salute and a tribute in honor of all the frontliners in the medical arena and other related areas, no matter how seemingly insignificant. May it serve as a clarion call that will rouse the empathy of friends and art lovers to join hands with us by acquiring these works. Ninety percent of the proceeds will go to the UP community.
Through this endeavor, we hope we, as artists, can show the world how our breed, in these most trying of times, can be counted upon.
Have a rewarding visual experience, everyone. Mabuhay tayong lahat!